Sunday, June 19, 2011

Esher's Special Bitter

One of my favorite things about home brewing has been the social aspect. It's been fun sharing my creations with friends and family and getting some positive feedback that has really motivated me. When my friend Esher asked me to brew a beer for him to bring down to a VW show he puts on every year I gladly obliged. Obsessed with all things England, naturally a Bitter ale was in order. What Esher didn't tell me was there would be a real live Englishman in attendance to taste my brew. The pressure is on. With the recipe made, the beer brewed, fermented, carbonated, and cold conditioned it was time for my first taste......

Appearance: Hazy amber color with an inch or so of head that fades to a solid skimming. After the beer warmed up the chill haze disappeared and the beer ended up being remarkably clear.

Smell: Some toasted malt, a light caramel, and just a touch of earthy hops.

Taste: The malt flavors really shine in this beer. The overall flavor is not terribly strong but it is surprisingly complex. The initial taste is semi sweet caramel, some toasted malt, with a noticeable hop flavor that takes a back seat to the malt. As the beer warms a fruitiness from the English ale yeast comes in to add another layer of flavor.

Mouthfeel, Overall: Finish is fairly dry. Carbonation is on the low side by design. Flavor lingers for quite a while. This turned out to be a great summertime beer. Average ABV%(4.7), simple but flavorful and maybe even a little refreshing after working in the yard.